Juergen R. Schreiter #Entrepreneur · #LocationScout · #TripAdvisior

Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-16 um 14.29.59
2061.Club News

Only a bit over 45 years until Celebration of the Century kicks off. Your Century Founders have been combing the earth determining best places to host some pre 2061 celebrations as well as identify potential viewing spots for the next coming of Halley’s Comet in 2061. Here are some updates to get you warmed up!

Club Update
Registration is still open, but the prices have increased to €30. It’s still a one-time fee, and your ticket to a great party in 2061! Sign up if you haven’t done so yet, and spread the word to your friends. The more the merrier!

You can register on our website at  www.2061.club or by pressing the button below. Feel free to forward this to your friends and family!

2020 Party!
We will host our first major 2061.club gathering in 2020 in Dubai during the World Exposition. The CoC traveled to Dubai in February 2016 and believes that the Dubai Expo will be a fabulous event to leverage for the 2061.Club to meet and will be an incredible backdrop to our assembly. Here is a link for those who want 2020 Party!
We will host our first major 2061.club gathering in 2020 in Dubai during the World Exposition. The CoC traveled to Dubai in February 2016 and believes that the Dubai Expo will be a fabulous event to leverage for the 2061.Club to meet and will be an incredible backdrop to our assembly. Here is a link for those who want to start early planning (https://expo2020dubai.ae/en/). We have already started the preparation and will be providing more details in the coming few quarters. to start early planning (https://expo2020dubai.ae/en/). We have already started the preparation and will be providing more details in the coming few quarters.
