Juergen R. Schreiter #Entrepreneur · #LocationScout · #TripAdvisior

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Juergen R. Schreiter is an extreme sport personality for many years and master networker and entrepreneur – A humanitarian full of charisma and compassion. Juergen is a freelance consultant for social media and used his business network connections to launch his German-based travel platform.

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Frankfurt Souvenirs

Frankfurt Souvenirs – Gift Shops in Frankfurt Visiting Frankfurt and looking for the right gift shop can be difficult if you don't know where to go and not getting into a tourist trap with only fake souvenirs from China. I have some suggestions for you from a local Fran

Dirndl, Lederhosen und Trachten in Frankfurt

Dirndl, Lederhosen und Trachten in Frankfurt

Dirndl, Lederhosen und Trachten in Frankfurt 10 Jahre hessische Bembel Trachten, Dirndl und Lederhosen by Bembeltown Design Bereits im Sommer 2012 startete der Designer Jürgen Schreiter mit den ersten Entwürfen und Prototypen für hessische Trachten. Ausschlaggebend für

Anything from Germany – Made in Germany

Anything from Germany – Made in Germany

If you like high quality products produced or handmade in Germany, here I have a new website for you.Anything from Germany does offer handmade and quality products MADE IN GERMANY. This is the brand name and source you can trust. Anything from Germany is also offering...

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Frankfurt Souvenirs

Frankfurt Souvenirs – Gift Shops in Frankfurt Visiting Frankfurt and looking for the right gift shop can be difficult if you don't know where to go and not getting into a tourist trap with only fake souvenirs from China. I have some suggestions for you from a local Fran

Dirndl, Lederhosen und Trachten in Frankfurt

Dirndl, Lederhosen und Trachten in Frankfurt

Dirndl, Lederhosen und Trachten in Frankfurt 10 Jahre hessische Bembel Trachten, Dirndl und Lederhosen by Bembeltown Design Bereits im Sommer 2012 startete der Designer Jürgen Schreiter mit den ersten Entwürfen und Prototypen für hessische Trachten. Ausschlaggebend für

Anything from Germany – Made in Germany

Anything from Germany – Made in Germany

If you like high quality products produced or handmade in Germany, here I have a new website for you.Anything from Germany does offer handmade and quality products MADE IN GERMANY. This is the brand name and source you can trust. Anything from Germany is also offering...

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Visionary & Location Scout Jürgen Schreiter:
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